Some Tips

Authors will be notified by e-mail about acceptance and should start at that point the preparation of the final version of their paper.  Authors will also receive an official letter by regular mail. The journal expects that authors of accepted papers submit within about six weeks the final version as a standard, properly prepared LaTeX 2e file. This file should be e-mailed directly to the managing editor at or to

LaTeX Corner contains some information about books and LaTeX implementations. If you wish to use a scientific wordprocessor as frontend for LaTeX, please make sure that you can export your paper as a standard LaTeX article.

Before you send us your file, we strongly suggest that you download the hjm class file. For instructions, please scroll further down.

Very Important: The AMS has upgraded AMSLaTeX from 1.2 to version 2.0. The old classfile hjm.cls will not work anymore if you have installed the upgrade. You need our upgrade hjm1.cls . You should also be aware that the AMSLaTeX upgrade enforces stricter LaTeX syntax., e.g., \mathcal{} instead of \cal and \begin{cases}...\end{cases} instead of \cases etc. This has nothing to do with our classfile. Our classfile works with older versions of AMSLaTeX , however.

Your paper should also contain the 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification Number (MSC#). It certainly helps the Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt if you have already provided what you think is the most suitable classification of your paper. If you don't have the MSC booklet handy, just go to MSC Index (Bielefeld) or to MSC Index (AMS). You can also download the whole MSC booklet from these sites. Keywords are also helpful to find your paper on mathematical databases. MSC numbers and keywords are easily entered in your LaTeX file through AMS provided field names which are part of the top matter of our classfile.

The class file follows more or less the style conventions of the Bulletins of the AMS. That is, the amsart documentclass is the basis of our class file. Here is what a properly compiled article then will look like:


In a previous paper [12] we proved that uniform continuity implies that ........


We are going to prove .....


Acknowledgement. The author gratefully acknowledges the referee for...

All proclamations, i.e., Theorems, Propositions, Lemmas, and Corollaries will be italicized within the proclamation. The first paragraph of a proof is no-indent . Like:

Theorem 1.1. Let f be defined on .....

PROOF.We already know that....

All proofs should end with the q.e.d. symbol, i.e., the open square .

In a definition, the text is regular and the defined item italic. Like

Definition 2. A function is said to be continuous if ..

These are essentially the style conventions of the amsart style.

But, please, don't try to mimic our print style by using commands like \noindent\textbf{Theorem 1.1}. In LaTex you must declare a document class.
For the HJM, David Wagner has created a class file that authors can conveniently download from here:

the hjm1.cls class file
the hjm.doc documentation

These are all simple textfiles. The examples and the template are LaTeX documents. If you like, you can open these files with your favorite text editor, e.g., the one you use for TeX,, or save them all (i.e., also hjm1.cls) directly in the directory of your LaTeX documents.
The file example1 contains tips on how to convert your document from standard article style to hjm; example2 gives you the journal box and all the remaining details. You can use Template to reformat your standard LaTex article quickly according to our style. The examples and the template should compile on your LaTeX installation.

I have been informed by users of the wordprocessing program Scientific Word that even the latest version, SW3, has only limited compatibility with standard LaTeX. Export to LaTeX now seems to work fine, but, of course, only if no Windows specific features have been used. However, importing LaTeX files, like our Examples and the Template are still a different story. According to reports which I got from authors, SW cannot compile these files.

Our class file is very flexible and authors who have prepared their document in LaTeX 2e, article or amsart documentclass, can relax. It will take only a few minutes to fill in the blanks for name, title, running head, etc. and paste your theorem-like declarations and user defined macros at the right place. Your LaTeX paper then should compile according to our printstyle. However, you need our \begin{proof} \end{proof} declaration for proper printing and spacing. The same holds true definitions. However, if you encounter problems and have TeX related questions, please feel free to contact the managing editor or his assistant.

Of course, your macros (but, please, don't use macros in title, abstract and references) and your own definitions for theorem-like environments shouldn't collide with those of the class file, and the AMS files on which the class file is based. That's why you need to get the class file to make sure that there are no conflicts. Your own enumeration scheme may deviate from our default settings, i.e., that theorems, lemmas, propositions, and corollaries are enumerated in a single sequence within each section. Remarks are somewhat de-emphasized by using the AMS 'remark' theoremstyle with no numbers. (Thus remarks will simply have an italic heading with plain text.) Definitions are numbered in a single sequence throughout the paper.

The bibliography of your document should be part of your file according to the "thebibliography" environment of LaTeX. Thus you should send us only your document (in one piece), the abstract for the WEB and, if applicable, graphics files.

Of course, as a matter of TeX-principle, authors should always prepare documents in a way that they are "immune" to changes in print style. For example, if you prefer to number the equations (or remarks, examples, problems etc. ) of your paper, then you must label all of those which are referenced later on. The same holds true for anything that gets numbered according to our class file, e.g., section headings, theorems, definitions etc.

Please keep the number of user defined macros to a minimum. For macros, you define, however, you must use the proper LaTeX command


and not \def{} for macros. But keep in mind, what might have saved you a few keystrokes, can cause quite a bit of trouble later on. But most importantly, make sure that your document compiles properly. And, finally, please do not use any of your macros in the title, in the abstract, for keywords, or in the bibliography. These are items for which we use the TeX source (and copy and paste) to construct the annual index and the table of contents. The reviewing organs also use title, abstract, keywords and the bibliography of your TeX source for the extraction of metadata etc. 
It is also a good idea to stick with the native fonts of LaTeX; but, of course, we support the {amsfonts} usepackage. Thus you can use $\mathbb{R}\$ for blackboard IR and you can use $\mathfrak{u}$ for your ultrafiler u if you want to have it in fraktur. But, please don't use font embellishments, something like "bookman". In case that we don't catch it, your paper will stand out as an oddball.

In order to avoid too many white spaces, authors should try to put mathematical expressions in line with text, instead of having them displayed. As a rule, only referenced, or very long expressions should be displayed.

Authors who wish to go strictly by the hjm class file, need to use

\begin{thm} %for a theorem

\begin{prop} %for a proposition

\begin{cor} %for a corollary

\begin{lem} %for a lemma

\begin{dfn} %for a definition

\begin{proof} %for a proof

\begin{rmk} %for a remark

\begin{rmks} %for remarks

We mention this because these are our reserved declarations, i.e., they are part of our classfile. Thus, you cannot use them in your newtheorem declarations. Thus, use \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} and not \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}.

Graphics: If your paper contains graphics elements that are not native to LaTeX, or based on common usepackages (e.g., amscd) , then they have to be included as eps (preferably) or ps files. However, we also had very good results with Tiff files. Naturally, you need to get the HJM class file to have control of proper position, and possible re-scaling of your graphics. You should consult recent LaTex documentation for graphics inclusions.
Most graphics packages, or programs that can produce graphics, let you export (versus save) in eps, so that the graphics output can be included in text processing programs that support the high resolution graphics of the LaserJet series. For Linux users there is xfig which produces very good results. For Windows users there is a very nice drawing program (Shareware, $25) Mayura Draw that works very well with LaTeX. These are very easy to use programs that let you add figures to enhance your paper. You don't have to wade through long documentations or buy expensive drawing programs to add some explanatory pictures to your paper.

However, for proper inclusion of your graphics, you must use
\usepackage{graphicx} %(in the preamble)
and the figures have to be included by something similar to

\caption { Topological phase portraits of quadratic vector fields.}



 Remember [t] and [h] are recommendations where you want LaTex to  place the figures, [h]ere, or on  [t]op etc. It is very important to have  captions as part of the figure. It's difficult to tell where LaTeX is going to place your  figures and the caption should go with the picture and not be separated. 

Notice the different syntax for specifying absolute measurements and scalebox.

Please, do not return proof sheets if anything, e.g. graphics, is missing. Instead, you should inform the HJM office about the situation and we will try to remedy the situation. We will send you as soon as possible new proof sheets. At any rate, figures  have to be embedded into your LaTeX file.

Good Luck,
Office of the Managing Editor (KK)

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